Tom Cosker:
Medical Research
Tom Cosker has had a wide range of articles published, with many more in the pipeline already submitted for publication.

Producing 3D printed high-fidelity retroperitoneal models from in vivo patient data: The Oxford Method. Williams MA, Smillie RW, Richard M, et al. J Anat 2020;237:1177–1184.
Producing three-dimensional printed models of the hepatobiliary system from computed tomography imaging data. Smillie RW, Williams MA, Richard M, et al. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2021;103:41–46.
Surgical Outcome and Oncological Survival of Osteofibrous Dysplasia-Like and Classic Adamantinomas: An International Multicenter Study of 318 Cases. Schutgens EM, Picci P, Baumhoer D, et al. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2020;102:1703–1713.
Venous thromboembolism in orthopaedic oncology. Lex JR, Evans S, Cool P, et al. Bone Joint J 2020;102-B:1743–1751.
Preparation for the next major incident: are we ready? A 12-year update. Mawhinney JA, Roscoe HW, Stannard GAJ, Tillman SR, Cosker TD. Emerg Med J. 2019 36(12):762-4; 2019
A cadaveric analysis of the blood supply to rectus Femoris. Williams M, Caterson J, Cogswell L, Gibbons C, Cosker T. 2019 J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.72(4):616-21.
Talonavicular ligament: prevalence of injury in ankle sprains, histological analysis and hypothesis of its biomechanical function. De Dea M, L Loizou C, Allen GM, Wilson DJ, Athanasou N, Uchihara Y, Cooke P, Cosker T. Br J Radiol. 2017 Mar;90(1071):20160816
Surgical management of primary bone sarcomas Cosker T, Gibbons C. Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2017 Apr;31(3)
The vascularised fibular graft for limb salvage after bone tumour surgery: a multicentre study. Hilven PH, Bayliss L, Cosker T, Dijkstra PD, Jutte PC, Lahoda LU, Schaap GR, Bramer JA, van Drunen GK, Strackee SD, van Vooren J, Gibbons M, Giele H, van de Sande MA.
Bone Joint J. 2015 Jun;97-B(6):853-61
Use of the composite pedicled pectoralis minor flap after resection of soft tissue sarcoma in reconstruction of the glenohumeral joint. van de Sande MA, Cosker T, McDonnell SM, Gibbons CL, Giele H Case Rep Orthop. 2014;2014:937342
Surgical treatment of recurrent proximal tibio-fibular joint ganglion cysts. Gulati A, Lechler P, Steffen R, Cosker T, Athanasou N, Whitwell D, Gibbons CL. Knee. 2014 Oct;21(5):932-5
Surgical outcome of malignant primary bone tumours in elderly and very elderly patients. Cosker T, Lechler P, Gulati A, Whitwell D, Giele H, Trent S, Athanasou N, Gibbons C
Int Orthop. 2014 Oct;38(10):2149-54
Anatomical variations of the deltoid artery: relevance to the deltopectoral approach to the shoulder. Bunker TD, Cosker TD, Dunkerley S, Kitson J, Smith CD. Bone Joint J. 2013 May;95-B(5):657-9
ST Application Guide 2010: Commissioned by the Medical Protection Society
ISBN 978-1-873671-00-9
Working in Medicine and Dentistry (book) Cosker TDA et al; Department for Education and Employment
ISBN 0-86110-764-0
Preparation for the next major incident – are we ready? Emerg Med J. 2006 Sep;23:709-12
– presented on BBC Radio 5 live, Today on Radio 4
– presented on >20 local radio stations
– live interviews on BBC News, BBC World, ITV News and Channel 4 news
Pelvic Ramus fractures in the elderly. Cosker TDA, Gupta SJ, Tayton KJJ
Acta Scandinavica Acta Orthop. 2005 Aug;76(4):513-6
Vacuum-assisted closure to aid wound healing in foot and ankle surgery.
Mendonca D, Cosker T, Makwana NK
Foot Ankle Int Sep;26(9):761-6
Self-inflicted burns: a rising tide?
Mendonca D, Cosker T
Burns. 2005 Mar;31(2):245
Pressure for beds; does it put our Orthopaedic patients at risk?
Elsayed S, Cosker TDA, Grant AJ
Injury. 2005 Jan;36(1):86-7.
The correct choice of post-operative wound dressing has a significant effect on orthopaedic wound outcome. Cosker TDA, Elsayed S, Mendonca AD, Gupta S, Tayton KJJ International Journal of Wound Care Dec 2004 pp 48-55
Vacuum injury caused by suction (case report). Cosker TDA, Gupta S, Tayton KJ;
Injury. 2004 Nov;35(11):1194-5.
Staff Satisfaction in a changing NHS.
Cosker TDA, Elsayed S, Prabhu V, Kulkarni R. Annals R Coll Surg Eng 2004 (S); 86; 102-104
A two tier health system? Life in the Australian medical system. Cosker TDA
BMA News; Feb 8, 2003; p11
Does it matter whom you see? – a fracture clinic audit. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2006 Oct;88(6):540-2
Immediate application of improvised pelvic binder as first step in extended resuscitation from life threatening hypovolaemic shock in conscious patients with unstable pelvic injuries
Injury. 2007 Jan;38(1):125-8
Experience of the T2 supracondylar nail in distal femoral fractures
Injury 2006 Oct;37(10):1019-25
Day case surgery from the wards or a dedicated unit; do the same standards apply? Cosker TDA, Elsayed S, Mendonca AD, Preece M. J Clinical Governance; June 2006; pp923-926
Epidural Abscess : The Importance of Re-Imaging A. Ardolino, T.D.A. Cosker, S. Blagg The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2007. Vol 13 Number 1.
Management of Malignant Pathological Fractures & Metastatic Bone Disease (MBD). Ashford R, Stevens J and Cosker TDA; submitted to the Bone and Joint Journal
All you need to know about Shoulder Surgery : Mini guide
Cosker TDA, Elsayed S, Dunkerley S, Miller M. To be published as accompanying mini guide for Miller UK (ISBN to be allocated)
All you need to know about Arthroplasty : Mini guide. Cosker TDA, Elsayed S, Dunkerley S, Miller M. To be published as accompanying mini guide for Miller UK (ISBN to be allocated)
The Financial Impact of Sarcoma
Cosker TDA, Taylor C, Oehringer, G, Gibbons M. Submitted to the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons
13 year follow up of Liposarcoma of the Posterior thigh. Cosker TDA, Athanisou N, Whitwell D, Gibbons M. Submitted to the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Streptococcus Milleri represents a dangerous pathogen in cases of epidural abscess. Cosker TDA, Ardolino T, Blagg S. Submitted to European Journal of the Spine
Optimising the management of warfarinised patients requiring emergency orthopaedic surgery
Cosker TDA, Visvakumar K, Chatterji S.
Submitted to the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons
Is an on-site MRI scanner an essential facility for any hospital receiving an acute trauma on call? Cosker TDA, James N, Basu K, Chatterji S. Submitted to the Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons
The application of 3d printing and Hololens technology in the teaching of anatomy. Oxford Surgical Innovation Conference 2019 and 2020.
Anatomy at Oxford: Past, present and future. Cosker. OxSI, 2020.
Are we ready for the next major incident? Mawhinney J, Cosker TDA.
London Trauma Conference; Dec 2019.
The skeletal system; a brief introduction. HS Talks, October 2019
The application of 3d printing technology in the Anatomy Sector.
3d Med-Live, accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons, London, October 2019
Application of epineural dissection in liposarcoma encasement of the sciatic nerve. Williams, Caterson, Gibbons, Cosker. Poster presentation at ASiT 2019.
Entrapment of the superficial peroneal nerve due to tumour compression. Williams, Caterson, Gibbons, Cosker
Poster presentation at ASiT 2019.
Clinicopathological relevance of Articularis Genu in distal femoral resection for primary and metastatic bone tumours. Caterson, Williams, Cosker, Gibbons. Poster presentation at BASK 2019.
Application of epineural dissection for liposarcoma encasement of the sciatic nerve. Caterson, Williams, Gibbons, Cosker. Oral presentation at the BOA Annual Congress, 2019.
The articularis genu muscle – the pathoanatomy and imaging of the fifth quadriceps muscle, and it’s clinical relevance in oncology.
Caterson, Williams, Cosker, Gibbons. Oral presentation at BASK, 2019.
An innovative online resource for learning radiology and anatomy
Khan S, Cowdell I, Cosker TDA: African Anatomy Society
The articularis genu muscle.
Williams, Caterson, Gibbons, Cosker. Oral presentation at the BOA Annual Congress, 2019.
One stop shop clinic in Sarcoma
Cosker TDA, Martin H, Gibbons CLMH, Whitwell D; Presented at the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society Oxford, 2015
One stop shop clinic in Sarcoma
Martin H, Cosker TDA, Alvand A, Grammatopoulis G, Whitwell D, Gibbons CLMH; winning presentation at the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society Oxford, 2015
Long term follow up of endoprosthetic replacement of the proximal humerus Cosker TDA, McDonnell S, Whitwell D, Giele H, Gibbons, CLMH, presented at the ISOLS meeting in Beijing 2013
Anatomical variations in the deltoid artery : relevance to the deltopectoral approach to the shoulder S N Dunkerley, T Cosker, J Kitson, T D Bunker and C D Smith; EFORT 2013
13 year follow up of Liposarcoma of the Posterior thigh (Winner, Gold Medal)
Cosker TDA, Athanisou N, Whitwell D, Gibbons M. Presented at the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society, Oswestry 2011 and International Society of Limb Salvage, Beijing.
Are we ready for the next major incident? Cosker TDA, Wong K, Turner P, Blagg S Presented at the Bomb and Blast Conference, London 2005 and the British Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, London 2009
There remains a poor understanding of the red flag symptoms in acute back pain. Wong K, Cosker TDA, Turner P, Blagg S. Presented at the British Asscoiation of Spinal Surgeons, June 2006
Access to urgent MRI scanning facilities remains variable across units in the UK
Cosker TDA, Basu K, Ghandour A, Chatterji S. Presented at the British Association of Spinal Surgeons, June 2006.
There is a significant biomechanical difference in different brands of screw fixation in the SCARF osteotomy
Cosker TDA, Prasad V, Evans S, Fanarof H. Presented at the PanCeltic orthopaedic meeting, June 2006
Do innocuous fractures of the pelvic rami really exist? Winner of the 2004 Welsh Orthopaedic Society Gold Medal
Cosker TDA, Gupta SJ, Tayton KJJ
British Orthopaedic Association (Main Hall, Birmingham) 2003 & Welsh Orthopaedic Society, May 2004
Management of Warfarinised Patients requiring Emergency Orthopaedic Surgery Cosker TDA, Jacobs J et al
British Orthopaedic Association (Main Hall, Birmingham) 2005
Pressure for beds – is it putting our orthopaedic patients at risk?
Elsayed S (presenter), Cosker TDA, Grant AJ. British Trauma Society (London 2003) and Australian Trauma Society (Adelaide 2003)
General Practice as part of the Medical school curriculum Cosker TDA
Welsh Association of General Practitioners (Builth Wells) May 2000
Optimising the management of warfarinised patients requiring emergency orthopaedic surgery
Cosker TDA, Visvakumar K (presenter), Chatterji S. Presented at Trauma in the 21st Century, September 2004
The impact of the NICE guidelines on GP referrals for suspected sarcoma (Winner Best Poster 2011)
Cosker TDA, Athanisou N, Whitwell D, Gibbons M. Presented at the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society, Oswestry 2011
How good are GP’s at diagnosing possible sarcoma? Cosker TDA, Athanisou N, Whitwell D, Gibbons M
Presented at the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society, Oswestry 2011
Factors influencing outpatient discharge
Finlay AY, Cosker TDA, Davies RW, et al.
Presented at the British Dermatology Association, London 2000
Staff Satisfaction in a changing NHS
Cosker TDA, Elsayed S, Prabhu V, Kulkarni R Welsh Orthopaedic Society, May 2004
Optimising the management of warfarinised patients requiring emergency orthopaedic surgery
Cosker TDA, Visvakumar K, Chatterji S Welsh Orthopaedic Society, June 2005